Stewart PI Mousetrap: The Sales Pitch


Well-Known Member
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Never ridden at Stewart. Looking forward to racing again. What’s the course like? I’m allergic AF to poison ivy. Hope that’s just a name or my allergies have diminished.
If it's green, it's PI. Bring this to wash yourself with after, no matter what.


2018 Fantasy Football Toilet Bowl Lead Technician
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Watch this video if you don't want PI. The key to not getting the rash is to wash effectively with a wash cloth to remove the oils.

A spray bottle with diluted dawn and a wash cloth after the race last year saved me I think. I only had a few tiny spots that went away.


JORBA Board Member/Chapter Leader
Staff member
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Pro tip: wash as directed above, but use paper towels you can discard instead of having to Tecnu your laundry.

Edit: and of course, shower beer.
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