Official: 2018-2019 Fantasy Football League Thread - Utah wins the cup, still thinks oobaa47 is Timothy McVeigh

you are picking where you want to draft.

@jmanic has first PICK to pick where he wants to draft. He can pick 12th, 7th, 2nd, etc.

didn't think this was that difficult for all y'all
you are picking where you want to draft.

@jmanic has first PICK to pick where he wants to draft. He can pick 12th, 7th, 2nd, etc.

didn't think this was that difficult for all y'all

Ive never picked where I'm going to to pick. In 10+ years of ffl, it's either the opposite of finishing order, or randomized by the site. This is a first. So yes,. Little explanation would have helped.
Both of these ^. I assumed I pick last. Now I have to pick to pick last. Can we add a pick to pick when you pick to pick?
bro, first post in the thread:
Last year, throughout the playoffs and year, you were playing for your draft picking order. Not draft position, but you will get to PICK where you want to draft. The order is below. I will have a date of when you need to have your decision in by, right now, that is TBD.

1. Highest scoring in Golden Turd Triple Thread match - @jmanic
2. Second highest scoring in Golden Turd Triple Threat match - @Carson
3. Highest score in "Winners" Toilet Bowl - @elzoller
4. Second highest score in "Winners Toilet Bowl - @Chris26er
5. Third highest score in "Winners" Toilet Bowl - @fidodie
6. Fourth Place Overall - @jnos
7. Third Place Overall - @pearl
8. Guacamole Cup Runner-Up - @UtahJoe
9. Guacamole Cup Winner - @stb222
10. Golden Turd Winner - @jShort
**If a manager leaves, the replacement will draft last. If we have a gif battle, they will battle for draft position. Not sure if I should allow them to pick first, or towards the end. Will decide.**
come on Jmanic!!! stop thinking IPA...think FOOTBALL

going on vacation manana.... need to make a decision pronto!

he must have been agonizing over this for 7 months, and its finally here... he's either over analyzing this or totally forgot
Commissioner @pearl,

And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin.
Then, shalt thou count to six. No more. No less.
Six shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be six.
Seven shalt thou not count, nor either count thou five, excepting that thou then proceed to six.
Eight is right out.
Once the number six, being the sixth number, be reached, then,
lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
Wow big announcement, any takers?

@Carson you are now on the clock, you can’t also pick sixth because @jmanic picked that spot, so any other number between 1 and 12 EXCEPT 6, let me know if that makes sense
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