I fashion my crown from Quetzlcoatl’s quills


The Moped
Time for a new thread. Good weather is gone, time to get a little more focused on everything. Including posting updates in this thread. I totally slacked off on that and it's good motivation.

This is nutrition and training, so I should start with that.
I'm going to have a really hard time cycling over the winter. I've developed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raynaud's_phenomenon
I'm pretty sure I've had it in my feet forever, but now it's in my hands. My feet go cold and numb and it's whatever, it hurts. But when it happens to your fingers it hurts like bloody hell and it's hard to do things. I'll try my best with the mountain bike and warm gloves. The road bike is probably out of the question because of the wind and completely stationary hands. I hate the road bike anyway, I've ridden mine maybe 6 times since last winter. I'll try to get more cardio into my rock gym nights. I'll have to convince Aaron to get on board with that. I have another 15 pounds to lose. I'm at 155 again, I was at 152 for a while and got down to 149 one night. I can hit 139 pretty easy, I've still got a decent gut. I eat way too many cheeseburgers and french fries. Actually if I just give in and eliminate the bun I'd probably be way better off since I love cheeseburgers. Training? I don't train for anything. Though I've been taunted by this idea that I can climb a major climb out west. Been looking at the regular route up Half Dome. I'm pretty sure I'm going to Yosemite Valley in March for 2 weeks, I'd love to knock out an epic climb when I'm there. Also, I'm falling behind my sherpa. My buddy Boris is now leading routes that I'm having a difficult time following. This has only been the last 3 weeks, but it's also been miserable cold/wet weather and I busted my climbing shoes and I've been wearing my wife's beginner grade shoes. I can blame it on that, but really I'm getting pumped the hell out on these 5.10c's

I need to finish my bathroom too, I really slacked off on that. I haven't been slacking off on the house that much, but the bathroom is taking for god damn ever. Been doing other things in the mean time. But tonight I laid the floor tile in the shower. Just gotta bring the walls down to match it and do some patching and grout and then hang the door. Hopefully I can finish around Thanksgiving. Maybe, if the weather stays shitty I can focus on it. I would be doing more right now but I don't want to screw up the tiles standing on them. I can't wait to be done with that tile so I can clean my bike/poop room of all the tile shit and return a pile of tiles to Lowes.

Can someone post up before Pearl? I'm going to dump in a bunch of pictures that I don't thing I've posted in here before.


The Moped
represent while climbing


represent while climbing

Hail Draco, king of the dragon men!


Do you ever get hosed climbing? I wonder if that doesn't contribute to Raynaud's.

Anyway, have you tried any of the traditionals grip training stuff, ala Pat vise?


Well-Known Member
I've heard that ginger helps raynaud's. And just generally helps avoid getting cold hands/feet. I'll be trying it this winter...


The Moped
Anyone who doesn't like gingers is broken
I DID make this thread in nutrition, but then I broke the RSS feed, spammed the rides forum, merged all the posts, but left them in the wrong forum ;)


Well-Known Member
Woohoo a new thread!

After eating 5 guys and pizza on the same day, I've started eating better and going back to boxing classes. It's too easy in the winter to slack off and eat cheeseburgers because they are delicious and you can wear large sweatshirts and nobody will know how many you've been eating.

This thread is right up my alley. Staying in shape and doing housework bs
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