Allaire TM 7-19 Thanks


Today’s crew was divided into 3 groups so we could cover more of the trails that needed love. During June’s rainy period the nicks that were cut into the trails took a beating and needed clearing. Big thanks go out to our crew today who cleared, enlarged, and added Nicks:

Chris Drew----f2f4
Mike Confenti----mike_243
Will Hulseburg----will/k2
Will Hulseburg Jr.
Ival McDermott
Mike Wolert----mwlikesbikes
Ron Compton----Ronznd4spd
Matt DeFelice----sk1er18
Jim Doeren----Jim&Val
Val Doeren----Jim&Val
Jason Cheng----rockyslayer
Tod Christianson
Paul Osbourne
Ebba Osbourne
Tracy Coon----happigirl
Eric Capers-----capedoc
John Casey
Mike Flatley----mikeyonabikey
Bill Bastan----Glenlivet12
Lisa Fortunato----pittygirl
Eric Petersen
Eric Petersen Jr.
Brian Snyder----briansnyder
David Roman

A great big thanks for all your hard work!!

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