Intermittent fasting. Thoughts?

Dave Taylor

Rex kwan Do
So, I like to try different things(duh). I follow Tyler Kasiliak (Nutrition Anchor) on instagram. He's a bigger name in motocross training. I enjoy his content and nutritional input. So I decided to try intermittent fasting.

I've only been doing this since last thursday but I sort of like it. Maybe it's just breaking up the monotony of life. Who knows. I basically eat dinner around 6, have a beer or two after and hit the sack around 9. I wake up at 4:40 and drink a cup of coffee at 5 and one again at 9. I'll have some water in between but find it's not too bad to make it til noon. I'll eat lunch and maybe my breakfast around 12:15. A cup of coffee on the way home before dinner. Then it's start over again.

I do the above on non intensity days. If I plan to do a harder ride the next day I will carb up at night. I'll also eat a nice protein filled breakfast before my run/ride. I'll hydrate and replenish calories during the ride and eat a healthy (recovery) meal afterwards.

In conclusion I feel that I am overall less hungry, I am not as hungry after dinner and I feel leaner. My hopes and wishes of IF are to burn off some excess fat. Basically your body goes into survival mode after 12 hours of fasting and starts to burn stored fat. I guess this is after your glycogen is depleted. Who has tried this and what are your thoughts?
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I'm no nutritionist but I'll share my thoughts, whether you like it or not:) that really sustainable??? At some point you're gonna be like...Shit, I'm hungry! , and then proceed to over eat.

And what Jim said, don't drink beer every night. I don't think I've ever read a diet plan that includes 1 or 2 beers every night.

It's the things you eat every day that cause you to gain weight, so simply you need to cut down on the food you eat...every day.

Rick says foods with added sugar is bad, so stay away from that and try not to eat processed food.

Eating is something we do to survive, but food can also be a source of comfort to us when we are stressed. Try to reduce stress, make better food choices and avoid dieting that is not sustainable.

If I give you any more info ima have to charge you $$$.
Cultures have been fasting for years. I don't think it is "by chance" - Either not eating when the sun is up for certain days,
or avoiding certain foods on certain days. while it may have been to reduce the stress on the meat, and subsidize the fisherman,
it is still practiced.

if only it was easier to loose weight while drinking beer. it just isn't. doable, yes, easy, no.
I've been doing intermittent fasting for almost a year now. I keep a similar sleep schedule as you and I try not to eat after 8pm and I don't eat before lunch which can be between 11am and noon. I think it is sustainable as you don't need to eliminate specific foods from your diet. It isn't really a diet but more of a behavior. I am not a competitive athlete and I have gone for many morning rides/runs fasted and survived them just fine. I think max power may be reduced but I never bonked.

@pooriggy has given some solid advice. Sugar is bad. Beer is bad. Whole foods are good. This is so simple yet very hard to actually follow, at least for someone with deeply ingrained bad habits like me.

I try to not be weird about following the timeline. Watching a late football game and grabbing a pizza? Sure. Grabbing Sunday breakfast with the family? Sure. Those things are not regular occurrences and I just adjust and get back on my schedule. It's really not a big deal.

Since I began IF I have lost some weight (although not as much as I could if I cut out the crap and cut back on beer), improved my fitness and I generally feel better. I think it's legit.
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if you want to lose the excess fat then just eat when you are hungry, don't eat crap, and don't drink beer.
Kinda sorta. I feel like my metabolism has slowed since doing so much endurance but my appetite hasn't. I burned a crap load of crap off three years ago doing long miles but now it seems to take much longer miles to burn it off if that makes sense. I really eat quite well minus an occasional beer or two. I only eat turkey and chicken, veggies and fruit or pretty much anything but shit food. Some people are naturally skinny and some aren't. 5 years ago I was 235. Today I am 195 but truthfully I'd like to see a strong and powerful 182-185.
Don’t eat after 7pm. You’ll be fasting until you eat breakfast.
I think this nonsense but I’m believer in moderation and enjoying life.
Dave- carbs=sugar... beer=carbs=’re not burning fat when you load up with carbs the night before. If there is something particular you are interested in doing, you should definitely talk to a nutritionist. Playing with this could leave you bonking in the woods alone.
I don’t get what is the fasting part of this diet. I don’t normally eat breakfast, does that qualify as IF? If so, it doesn’t work for me!
Check out Dr.Fung about intermittent fasting. He really breaks down the medical science to where it makes sense. When you're not eating, your body will go into its fat stores to provide energy. I've been doing it for over 7 months and my best rides/ training sessions have been in a fasted state. Most skip breakfast because you already went the night without food so it's usually easier to continue not eating.
The best thing about IF is that it's free and flexible; skip whatever meal works for you.
Kinda sorta. I feel like my metabolism has slowed since doing so much endurance but my appetite hasn't. I burned a crap load of crap off three years ago doing long miles but now it seems to take much longer miles to burn it off if that makes sense. I really eat quite well minus an occasional beer or two. I only eat turkey and chicken, veggies and fruit or pretty much anything but shit food. Some people are naturally skinny and some aren't. 5 years ago I was 235. Today I am 195 but truthfully I'd like to see a strong and powerful 182-185.

Strength training plan. Use irradiation technique and don’t worry about atrophy.

Heavy weight- no more than 5 reps. With the goal of avoiding “the burn”.

That will certainly ramp up metabolism.
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